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Showing posts from June, 2021

How to make a spicy chicken kothu parotta

  WELCOME TO RAEIMA'S PASSION!!!                                                             Whenever I go to the hotel, First I ordered Kothu parotta and chili chicken for two reasons. The first reason is the taste was fabulous, and the second one is the way of making this dish. Mostly, in my native, they prepare this recipe on the outside only such as "Using two big ladle, the master stir-fried the shredded parrota with egg, onion, tomato, chicken curry, and some spices". Wow! I feel more energetic to hear the sound as "ta-tat-ta-tat-ta...", in that all spices mixed with parotta pieces, hmm! There is no word to explain it.                                                             When I moved to Ohio, a few Indian restaurants had this recipe, and the taste of this recipe was not similar to Nagercoil Kothu parotta😞😞😞. Really, I missed it but after a long time; I found the frozen Malabar parotta in one of the Indian grocery shops. Thank god, I made a Nagerc

My Drawing Collections

WELCOME TO RAEIMA'S PASSION!!                                        I liked to see my Akka's drawing collections in my childhood days, especially " A mother bird feeding to her baby birds in the nest  ". Usually, she used to make a drawing or knit a mat in her leisure time, but I never touch a pencil to draw a picture😆.                                         Hmm, the time changed after I joined a Maths biology group in higher secondary education and there is no option, a lot of drawings need to draw in my record book😵. First, I tried many tricks to draw a diagram but got a failure. After that, I drew in my own without tricks. Hmm! Now my interest begins.                                         After marriage, I quit my job and changed into a homemaker. I did something in my leisure time, such as drawing a picture and making crafts, especially using waste materials. Please click the  Crafts button on my home page for all my crafts.